The International Knowledge and Technology Transfer Leadership Summit is a summit co-organized by the Association of University Technology Managers (AUTM) of the United States and the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). It brings together leaders from different countries and regions of the world to share and discuss global experiences and perspectives on knowledge and technology transfer, diversity and inclusion within the entire ecosystem, as well as trends and models of public and private financing to accelerate and measure their positive impact on society.
The summit takes place every year on different continents, and this year it was scheduled to be held in South America for the first time. In this context, HUBTEC, which participated in the 2022 meeting in Geneva, proposed Chile as the host for the 2023 event.
As a result, an alliance was formed between the Ministry of Science, Technology, Knowledge, and Innovation (CTCI), the National Institute of Industrial Property (INAPI), HUBTEC, Hub APTA, Know Hub, and the National Technology Transfer Managers Network of Chile (RedGT) to organize this summit in Chile.
To make the most of the attendance of all these international experts, the idea of organizing parallel events with different actors from the ecosystem emerged. This way, the experience, networks, and knowledge contributed by these guests could have a positive impact on more people and in different areas of action within the national and international ecosystem.
This is how the International Transfer and Innovation Week (SITI), “Chile: Connecting Global Networks,” was born, which brings together more than 40 leaders from 27 countries in technology transfer and innovation for five days from November 6th to 10th, 2023.
International Transfer and Innovation Week (SITI) Agenda
This week includes more than 10 diverse activities happening in Santiago and Valparaíso, with the main highlights being:
Monday, November 6th
Opening Ceremony of the International Transfer and Innovation Week (SITI)
Ceremony with national and international authorities that will kick off the international week, introducing the ecosystem to international guests and creating a networking space for attendees (*).
* Attendees with invitation.
Monday, November 6th, and Tuesday, November 7th
“International Knowledge and Technology Transfer Leadership Summit”
An event that brings together experts and world leaders in transfer and innovation to discuss global challenges and opportunities in this field. (*).
* Attendees with invitation.
Wednesday, November 8th
Roundtable discussion on “A Technology Transfer Law for Chile.”
A panel discussion aimed at leveraging international experience in the institutional framework and implementation of Technology Transfer and Innovation laws. It also seeks to explore how this discussion could contribute to the draft of the Technology Transfer Law that the Ministry of Science, Technology, Knowledge and Innovation is working on (*).
* Attendees with invitation.
Wednesday, November 8th
Roundtable discussion – Sharing Global Experiences and Perspectives in Knowledge and Technology Transfer (KT/TT)
Roundtable discussion with international guests, the ANID team, TT Hubs, and INAPI to share international experiences and perspectives on various relevant topics related to the role of the public and private sectors in accelerating the positive impact of science, technology, knowledge, and innovation on society (*).
* Attendees with invitation.
Wednesday, November 8th
Panel discussion on best practices and the impact of Technology Transfer (TT) / Knowledge Transfer (KT).
National and international guests will discuss best practices and the measurement of value and impact in innovation and technology transfer.
Open to the public.
Registration Link.
Centro de Innovación UC Anacleto Angelini.
Campus San Joaquín UC. Vicuña Mackenna 4860, Macul.
Thursday, November 9th and Friday November 10th
XXII Annual RedGT Event with the theme: “Future of Technology Transfer and Global Challenges”
Annual meeting of the Chilean Technology Managers Network (RedGT). This event will feature keynote speakers, panel discussions, and networking opportunities among attendees and international guests. Some of the topics that will be addressed during these days include science-industry engagement, diversity, gender and inclusion, the strategic role of intellectual property, among many others.
Open to the public.
For more information and registration:
Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María.
Avenida España 1680, Valparaíso.