Semana Internacional de Transferencia e Innovación
Chile: Conectando Redes Globales
La “Semana Internacional de Transferencia e Innovación (SITI)” es un encuentro único que reúne a líderes de todo el mundo en Chile. Este año, como anfitriones de la “ International Knowledge / Technology Transfer Summit” evento co-organizado por AUTM y OMPI, tenemos el honor de ser el puente entre 27 países y más de 40 expertos internacionales en transferencia tecnológica, que además compartirán con el ecosistema nacional en diversas actividades y encuentros entre el 6 y el 10 de noviembre 2023.
¡Prepárate para una semana llena de aprendizaje, conexiones y avances!
International Summit Attendees

Shirley Coutinho
Shirley Coutinho is the past-president and member of the Board of Directors of FORTEC-Association Forum of Innovation and Technology Transfer Managers, and has been the head of the Technology Transfer Office at the Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio) from 2003 to 2022. She has obtained her Master Degree in Business Administration from PUC-Rio and before working in the field of IP and TT she has experience in various management positions held at VALE, Brazili’s largest mineral and logistics company.

Ahu Altinkut Uncuoglu

Andrew Bailey
Andrew Bailey is the Senior Manager: Innovation in the Research Contracts & Innovation Department at the University of Cape Town, where he has been for 16 years. In this position, he is responsible for the TTO functions of the Department. RC&I manages several seed and early stage “VC-type” funds that support the creation of spin-off companies.
Andrew is the Immediate Past President of the Southern African Research and Innovation Managers Association (SARIMA), and a member of AUTM (International Strategy Committee: Africa Co-Chair) and LES.

Art Bos
Following a successful career with IXA VU/VUmc, Amsterdam, in 2021 Art commenced his new role Head of Business Development and Knowledge Transfer, Erasmus Research Services, Rotterdam, the Netherlands.
Prior to joining IXA, Art worked as Director Knowledge Partnering for Leiden University and Leiden University Medical Center in their joint TTO, Luris. Art has a master in Astronomy and Science Based Business from Leiden University. He now has over 10 years experience in Technology Transfer, Business Development and Licensing. He fully enjoys supporting scientists in initiating and shaping relationships with companies and other societal partners. He is also passionate about supporting teams spinning-out technologies into new businesses. In his previous positions, Art has supported projects from both the Natural Sciences and the Social Science and Humanities.

Almesha L. Campbell
Almesha L. Campbell, PhD, is the Assistant Vice President for Research and Economic Development at Jackson State University. In this capacity, she supports the Vice President with overall responsibility for the Division of Research and Economic Development, which oversees grants and contracts, sponsored programs, research compliance, tech transfer, federal relations, and the Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship.
For more than 10 years, Almesha served as the Director for Tech Transfer at JSU. She provides strategic direction and vision for defining partnerships in commercialization and innovation initiatives between JSU and other institutions, funding agencies, and industry stakeholders. She is the PI for the NSF-funded JSU I-Corps Site and an NSF EAGER grant designed to help change the perception of underrepresented minorities in innovation and entrepreneurship. She was instrumental in the development of the newly established Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship at JSU.

Agustín Campero
Agustín Campero is an economist and did postgraduate studies in science, technology and innovation policy.
He has worked for international organisations and different levels of government. He worked for the Ibero-American and Inter-American Network of Science and Technology Indicators (RICyT). He worked as head of science and technology at the Buenos Aires Faculty of the National Technological University and at the National University of General Sarmiento.
He was Secretary of Science and Technology Articulation of Argentina (2015-2019). He is currently Public Affairs Officer of the company Trampoline Network, a global intellectual property marketplace
He is also President of the Alem Foundation of Argentina. As such, he participated in the elaboration of public policy proposals and in the creation of the working teams of the coalition Juntos Por El Cambio (Together for Change). His speciality is the design and management of science, technology and innovation public policies.

Giancarlo Caratti di Lanzacco
Giancarlo Caratti di Lanzacco has been working at the European Commission (EC) during most of his professional career until September 2021, when he kept a senior advisory role at the EC and joined Crossmedia Europe, a new company promoting dissemination of art and culture via digital and web technologies, which builds on CT Crossmedia’s success worldwide in the production of digital immersive exhibition. His last assignment at the EC was Head for Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer Unit, which manages the EC’s intellectual properties and promotes innovation via technology transfer. This Unit was integrated in JRC’s “Competence” Directorate, where both the European Bauhaus and foresight programme were initiated. In 2013 Mr Caratti was appointed as Deputy Commissioner General for the EU participation in the World Expo Milano 2015 and Head of the relevant EU task force. In his previous assignments, Mr Caratti’s educational background is on mechanical engineering with specialisation on energy systems. Before joining the Commission, he worked as researcher and teaching assistant at the Faculties of Engineering of Florence and Pisa and spent one year as visiting scholar at the Georgia Institute of Technology to carry out research on energy modelling. He also worked for two years at Techint, Italy’s largest private engineering company based in Milan. Mr Caratti has over 60 publications in international conferences, journals, etc. and is editor of various technical books.

Marco Alemán
Mr. Marco Alemán has been dedicated to the protection and development of intellectual property for over 30 years. He is an excellent expert and scholar, who is committed to understanding the changing IP climate, and has comprehensive experience in multilateral negotiations.
Mr. Alemán has extensive knowledge and experience in intellectual property, including over 20 years of professional work at expert and managerial levels at WIPO. After acting as Director of the Colombian Industrial Property Office, he started his career at WIPO in 1999 at Cooperation Programs for the Development for Latin America and the Caribbean.
Now as Assistant Director General, Mr. Alemán is responsible for helping Member States develop their IP and innovation ecosystems to drive economic growth. He is also responsible for providing support for researchers, innovators, and enterprises, including SMEs. Other key focus areas include IP commercialization for business growth; emergence of IP as an asset class; development of advisory expertise on national IP strategies; economic analysis on the role IP plays in promoting innovation and creativity; strengthening ADR and the services provided by the Arbitration and Mediation Center; and providing technical assistance to the judiciary, as well as services related to the legal databases.

Dr. Kevin Cullen
Dr. Kevin Cullen was appointed as Vice President for Innovation at KAUST in 2018. Kevin is a leader in global innovation with expertise in both economic development and industrial engagement. As Vice President of KAUST Innovation, he leads the University’s intellectual property portfolio, help create and support new businesses, joint ventures, and collaborations with industry partners, and continue to foster a strong culture of entrepreneurship in the Kingdom.
Dr. Cullen has over 20 years of experience in academic innovation and business development. Throughout his career he has helped elevate university-based innovation enterprises that have led to the launch of more than 250 startup companies as well as numerous products and services.
Prior to joining KAUST, Kevin spent six years as CEO of Innovations at the University of New South Wales (UNSW) in Sydney, Australia. He helped transform UNSW from a traditional commercialization unit into an innovation hub by supporting a broad range of university priorities including economic development and social impact.

Muhammad Fareid
Muhammad Fareid is the Director of Innovation and Commercialisation at National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST), Pakistan
Mr. Muhammad Anwar Fareid has 20 years of experienced in promoting the creation of innovation ecosystem. He is the director of the Innovation and Commercialization at National University ·& Technology by envisioning NUST as a sustainable institute by fostering mutually beneficial industrial and corporate linkages, facilitating technology transfer, and protecting Intellectual Property (IP) rights.

Dr. Anouk Fortin
Dr. Anouk Fortin is the head of the Technology Transfer Office at the Ottawa Hospital Research Institute, where she has supported research and innovation since 2005. Dr. Fortin obtained her PhD in biochemistry from McGill University and went on to work in several biotechnology companies before joining the OHRI Technology Transfer Office. She holds an RTTP designation and is an active member of the provincial, national and international technology transfer communities.

Marcela Figa
Marcela Figa is President of RedOTT México, Monterrey, Mexico. Marcela has held key positions, serving as the Head of the Department of Biosafety and Food Safety in the University Food Program and as the Coordinator of Technology Transfer within the Coordination of Innovation and Development at UNAM. Throughout her career, she has actively fostered connections, facilitated technology transfer, and spearheaded research and technological development projects, collaborating with the Mexican food industry as well as national and international pharmaceutical and chemical sectors. At present, Marcela is the Liaison Secretary at the Institute of Chemistry, UNAM, and holds the role of President at RedOTT México..

Ian McClure
Ian McClure is the Associate Vice President for Research (AVPR), Innovation and Economic Impact for UK Innovate at the University of Kentucky (UK), where he leads efforts to translate UK discoveries for the public good, seek equitable returns on UK intellectual property (IP), enhance UK’s investments in innovation, catalyze a culture and capacity for entrepreneurship, and expand industry and other collaborative research partnerships.
Ian’s portfolio includes oversight of the UK Office of Technology Commercialization (UK OTC), UK Innovation Connect for industry partnerships, UK Innovation Economic Development and UK’s Innovation and Entrepreneurship Training. As UK OTC’s previous executive director, he oversaw a team of 25+ staff managing the university’s IP, licensing and startup portfolios. Ian is the past Chair of the Board of Directors for AUTM and a member of Advisory Board of the Kentucky Science and Technology Corporation, Launch Blue Accelerator, the Oak Ridge Innovation Institute, and Level Set Capital. In 2022, Ian was appointed by Department of Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo to the National Advisory Council on Innovation and Entrepreneurship (NACIE) and in 2023, Ian was appointed as an Expert for the National Science Foundation (NSF) Technology, Innovation and Partnerships (TIP) directorate. As an innovator, Ian is a principal investigator or co-investigator on five federal grants focused on tech-based economic development (NIH, NSF, & EDA).
Ian began his career as a Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A) and IP transactions attorney at Wyatt, Tarrant & Combs, LLP in Louisville. Following private practice, he helped build a startup company in Chicago, IPXI, that was the world’s first financial exchange for IP and technology rights, which he led through growth to 30+ full-time employees and three offices.
Before returning to Kentucky, Ian was Vice President of IP Strategy for Black Stone IP (acquired by Houlihan Lokey), a boutique investment bank headquartered in San Francisco focused on IP-rich M&A and technology-driven transactions. In parallel, he teaches graduate courses on the Law & Business of IP Management at the Chicago-Kent College of Law and the University of Kentucky College of Law. In addition, Ian has been named one of the World’s Leading IP Strategists by IAM Magazine for six years.

Dr. David Gulley
Dr. David Gulley is Executive Director and founder of the Technology Transfer Office (TTO) of the Puerto Rico Science, Technology, and Research Trust, a private, non-profit organization established in 2004 to improve Puerto Rico’s innovation ecosystem. The TTO is a regional office serving the island’s public and private universities since 2017. The TTO manages technology transfer and commercialization for 6 universities, which includes 13 campuses and 4 medical schools. From 1989-2012 he served the University of Illinois System as Associate Vice President, Technology and Economic Development, and Assistant Vice Chancellor for Research at the Chicago campus. He has been a member of LES for more than 20 years and served as chair of the Certified Licensing Professionals, Inc. He has been a member of AUTM for more than 25 years, serving on the AUTM board as VP for Professional Development and as AUTM’s founding member of the Alliance for Technology Transfer Professionals (ATTP), also serving for 10 years on the RTTP Peer Review Committee. He currently serves on AUTM’s International Strategy Committee as chair, engaging 9 regional subcommittees across the globe. He led AUTM’s partnership with CORFO from 2010-2014 to deliver professional development programs for Chilean tech transfer staff and to establish and reinforce Chile’s technology transfer offices.

James Hutchinson
James Hutchinson leads the KiwiNet Innovation Network (KiwiNet) which is the combined power of New Zealand’s Universities, Crown Research Institutes and other research organisations who receive public funding. KiwiNet leads NZ’s collaborative model of research commercialisation to transform scientific discoveries from publicly-funded research into new disruptive products and services to create impact for New Zealand.
He holds a PhD in Chemistry from the University of Cambridge and is passionate about the important role that science and the scientific community must play in growing the economy into new high-tech and knowledge-based sectors, informing public policy and in changing our world for the better. He has experience in supporting research & innovation in the UK and internationally with a focus on the life sciences and global societal challenges. He is a Junior Policy Fellow of the Centre for Science and Policy (CsaP) at the University of Cambridge.

Urša Jerše
Urša Jerše has been Assistant Secretary General for Knowledge transfer at the University of Ljubljana since April 2018. Prior to that (2009 – 2017), she worked at a public research institute in Slovenia, where she encountered the transfer of knowledge from public research institutions to the business sector and gained extensive experience. She holds a bachelor’s degree in law and is specialised for procedures of acquiring and protecting employment-related inventions, R&D contract negotiation, and concluding license contracts.

Andy Maas
Andy Maas is the Associate Vice President for Research overseeing the office of Innovation and Technology Commercialization at Louisiana State University and he has over 10 years of experience in technology licensing and commercialization.
Andy’s activities have taken him from an engineering start-up (where he built a company from two to 14 employees) to academic roles in both university and research foundation settings. Andy manages an office of 25 full time and 4-5 part-time employees that are responsible for all technology commercialization, small business support, incubation, acceleration, and SBIR/STTR activities of the LSU Flagship campus in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
Andy has been involved in several AUTM Committees and is the incoming Chair of the AUTM Board of Directors.

Leidy Guarin
Leidy Guarin is President of Red Nacional De Transferencia Tecnológica (JOINN), Bogotá, Colombia. She has taken the lead on projects involving technological surveillance, market valuation, Information and Communications Technology (ICT) projects, information management, and knowledge management within agro-industrial innovation organizations and systems.

Anji Miller
Anji Miller Is a technology Transfer professional more than 19 year’s experience in the sector. She leads on LifeArc’s support for academic-led gene therapy innovation, with responsibility as the overall LifeArc lead for the Innovation Hubs for Gene Therapies, the LifeArc Gene Therapy Innovation Fund and advancing the hubs’ gene therapy skills agenda. She has management responsibility for specific projects within LifeArc’s Philanthropic Fund. A seasoned tech transfer professional, Anji leads both the AUTM and LifeArc Fellowship programmes and is a Board Director of AUTM, ASTP, CLP and member of the BioIndustry Association Cell & Gene Therapy Advisory Committee. An EDI in STEM advocate, she directs all technology transfer skills activity and translational STEM outreach programmes. She is an active participant in LifeArc’s policy engagement.

Helena Montiel
Helena Montiel is the President of the Spanish association for knowledge exchange professionals Redtransfer. She is a member of the National Associations Advisory Committee (NAAC) of the Association of European Science and Technology Transfer Professionals (ASTP) and a member of the board of the global Alliance of Technology Transfer Professionals (ATTP). She has been a previous member of the Board of the Catalan Network of Science Parks (XPCAT) and a member of the Board of the Spanish Association of University Technology Transfer Offices (redOTRI).
She has had several Director-level roles at the University of Girona, as Technical Director of the Science and Technology Park and Director of the Research and Technology Transfer Office.
Helena holds a PhD in Chemical Engineering by Polytechnic University of Catalonia. She has been professor and researcher at the University of Girona.
Helena’s professional life has concentrated on the University and Industry Collaboration as a driver of business competitiveness and regional development.

Vlatka Petrović
Vlatka Petrović serves as the Head of the Technology Transfer Office at the University of Zagreb. She manages a team of innovation and technology transfer support professionals and has worked in research commercialization since 2008, engaging with research groups from all disciplines. She is actively engaged in building innovation capacity and strengthening technology transfer activities and coordinates initiatives that strengthen the innovation and entrepreneurial ecosystem. She comes from a life sciences background, holding a PhD in molecular genetics.

Dr. Orakanoke Phanraksa
Dr. Orakanoke Phanraksa is a policy specialist in the field of intellectual property laws at Technology Licensing Office, at the National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA), Thailand. She has been playing a key role to form a policy framework to promote and strengthen technology licensing offices and IP professionals in the academic and research institutions in Thailand. This year, she has served the national committee to develop the national accreditation system for IP professions in Thailand. At the regional level, Dr. Phanraksa was selected as one of the five regional IP Policy experts by the WIPO to develop the IP Policy Model for Universities and Research institutions in ASEAN.

Liliana Rabal
Liliana Rabal specializes in spearheading technological linkage initiatives that bridge the gap between science and technology institutions, companies, and government entities. She excels in managing technological development and fostering innovation within companies, value chains, and clusters. Liliana takes charge of the design, formulation, and administration of research, development, and innovation (R&D&i) projects, often funded by public resources. Her current role positions her as the President of RedGtec Argentina. She is also Administrative and Legal Responsible figure at FONARSEC, an R&D&I Agency overseeing public-private collaborative projects focused on Electrolyte for Lithium Batteries and Electrolyzers for Green Hydrogen generation. Her expertise lies in Technology and Innovation Management, making her a key contributor to the technological landscape.

Marli Elizabeth Ritter dos Santos
Marli Elizabeth Ritter dos Santos, PhD in Administration Sciences at the National Autonomous University of Mexico, with experience in innovation management and technology transfer offices at universities, having worked at Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) and Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS), in Brazil. Founder and first president of FORTEC, she is currently a member of its Advisory Board. She is a Consultant for the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), working in several countries. She is the only Brazilian professional internationally accredited as a Registered Technology Transfer Professional (RTTP).

Alejandro Roca Campaña
Alejandro Roca Campaña is the Senior Director of IP for Innovators Department (IPID), IP and Innovation Ecosystems Sector, World Intellectual Property Organization, Geneva (Switzerland).
He has 30 years of professional experience in WIPO. He currently holds the position of Senior Director, IP for Innovators Department in the IP and Innovation Ecosystem Sector (IES) since March 2021. The main responsibility of Mr. Roca Campaña consists of advising and coordinating the programs related to capacity building for the development of institutional innovation ecosystems of universities, knowledge transfer organizations (including Technology and Innovation Support Centers – TISCs) and other research and development institutions to effectively use IP assets and to manage them from creation to the commercialization of products and services based on research outcomes. He is also responsible for the implementation of activities and projects to provide resources, tools and platforms to enable active local innovation support and for the coordination of national, regional and international networking to share experiences and best practices as effectively as possible.

Guillermo Roura Pérez
Guillermo Roura Pérez graduated as a Pharmaceutical Chemist Biologist (ULSA) and with a Master’s Degree in Chemical Sciences from the Faculty of Chemistry of the UNAM, and a Specialty in Health Law from the Graduate Program of the Faculty of Law also from UNAM. He has worked in the Industrial Property field for the last 14 years, 6 of them in private firms and the last 8 years at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). Currently, he is part of the team of the Liaison Secretariat of the Institute of Chemistry of the UNAM and Membership Director of the Board of Directors 2023-2024 of the Technology Transfer Offices Network (RED OTT) in Mexico. He is also part of the working group of the Pacific Alliance Transfer Network (Transferencia AP) which brings together experts from Mexico, Chile, Colombia and Peru, and part of the Advisory and Liaison Council of the Faculty of Chemical Sciences of La Salle University (Mexico).

Thomas Schmidt
Thomas Schmidt is Head of Technology Transfer at the University of Southern Denmark (SDU) which serves as the technology transfer office for SDU and the research hospitals of Southern Denmark Region. He has worked in technology transfer since 2006 and as head of technology transfer since 2013. He became a Registered Technology Transfer Professional in 2011. Thomas has advised technology transfer offices in Eastern Europe and Scandinavia, volunteered for AUTM, ASTP and SNITTS and been on the board of the Danish Network for Technology Transfer for far too long. Currently, Thomas serves as the Chair for the Peer Review Panel under ATTP.

Olga Spasic
Olga Spasic is a highly accomplished professional with over 20 years of experience in the area of technology transfer projects and programs of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). She served as the WIPO Head of the Technology Transfer Section, providing crucial assistance and support to WIPO Member States and their innovation stakeholders in the establishment of institutional innovation ecosystems.
In her capacity, Olga Spasic worked on designing and implementing interconnected public and private structural elements such as policies, organizations, funds, and human capital within academic institutions. These innovation ecosystems aimed to foster technology transfer and collaboration between different entities, enabling the effective and efficient exchange of innovative knowledge and technologies.
As a leader, Olga Spasic spearheaded various long-term impact projects and capacity building programs for academic institutions. These programs focused on creating and nurturing technology transfer policies, structures, and human resources to enhance innovation and knowledge dissemination. Her leadership skills and commitment to advancing the field of technology transfer resulted in number of notable projects, some of which include:
Pilot Project on Establishment of Technology Transfer Offices (TTOs) in the Arab Region, creation of TTO Network of Baltic States to fosters collaboration, knowledge sharing, and technology transfer within the region, and numerous projects on development of Institutional IP Policies in Universities and Research Institutions in WIPO Member States (e.g., Egypt, Jordan).
Olga Spasic’s expertise and contributions have had a significant impact on advancing technology transfer and innovation on an international scale. Her work at WIPO was essential in supporting global efforts to create an environment conducive to knowledge sharing, technology exchange, and economic growth through innovation.

Stephen J. Susalka
Stephen J. Susalka is the Chief Executive Officer of AUTM, a 2,500+ member non-profit association, focused on supporting and enhancing technology transfer globally, and oversees a cooperative agreement with the Federal Laboratory Consortium for Technology Transfer to support federal technology transfer for more than 300 federal labs across the US.
As an international leader in technology commercialization, Dr. Susalka uses his experience in intellectual property protection, licensing, and company formation to empower, promote and connect AUTM members as they advance the next generation of ground-breaking innovations into the products and services of tomorrow.
A regular speaker on technology transfer issues, Dr. Susalka has frequently presented on Capitol Hill and internationally on topics ranging from start-up formation to the evolution of the profession. He has worked with senior leaders from around the world on strategies to enhance the commercialization of early-stage inventions and has provided testimony to the Canadian House of Commons Standing Committee on Industry, Science, and Technology on promoting best practices for intellectual property and technology transfer.
Before joining AUTM, Dr. Susalka served as Associate Director for Commercialization at Wake Forest Innovations.
Dr. Susalka earned his Ph.D. in Neuroscience from the University of Virginia and is a registered U.S. Patent Agent. He is a past Board member of multiple Wake Forest-affiliated start-ups and is both a Registered Technology Transfer Professional (RTTP) and a Certified Licensing Professional (CLP).

Ana Torkomian
Ana Torkomian is vice president of FORTEC, the Brazilian association that brings together innovation and technology transfer managers. She is also a board member of ALTEC, the Ibero-Latin American association for technology and innovation management. An industrial engineer with a master’s, doctorate and post-doctorate in Technology and Innovation Management, she is a full professor at the Federal University of São Carlos, where she directed its TTO, UFSCar’s Innovation Agency, for 8 years.

Chalermpol Tuchinda
Chalermpol Tuchinda is the CEO of Nastda Holding Company Limited, a wholly-owned investment firm by the National Science and Technology Development Agency under the Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Research, and Innovation (MHESI). He also serves as Chairman of the Board of Directors and the Board of Directors for a few technology companies. He also holds leadership positions in various local and international organizations, including AUTM ASEAN committee chair, ICC Thailand committee member, TRSI Research Utilization subcommittee, Alliance of Innovation Managers steering committee, Technology Entrepreneur Development Fund Subcommittee Chair, and Licensing Executive Society Thailand Advisor and former president. He co-founded and exited three companies. He has experience in business incubation operations, accelerating, innovation-driven businesses, and research technology commercialization. He is practicing the Venture builder model aiming to be a key investment vehicle to accelerate research technology commercialization and to build technopreneurs.

Prof. Fazilet Vardar
Prof. Fazilet Vardar is a Chemical Engineer with a Ph.D. in Biochemical Engineering from University College London.
She has dual experience as an academic and as KE/TT professional. She is currently the vice president of University-Industry Collaboration Centers Platform of Turkey, representing Turkey on ATTP Board and Council, AUTM International Strategy Committee West Asia- MENA Chapter, ASTP-NAAC. She was the Director of Ege University TTO for 18 years and Coordinator of IRC-EGE and Enterprise Europe Network EBIC-Ege projects between 2004-2017. She the holder of RTTP and EuKTS Grandfather Certificates.
As an academic, she has over 200 publications, three patents and she is the holder of 1989 Turkish Scientific and Technological Council Incentive award in Bioengineering. She was the founding head of the Ege University Bioengineering Department until 2017 and has been involved in over 75 projects throughout the years.
With her long experience in academic research, valorisation of research outputs as well as research management, she is also currently one of the EU Research Management Road Map Ambassadors for Turkey.

Vijay Vijayaraghavan
Vijay Vijayaraghavan is a technology management professional with four decades of global engagement in innovation advancement for public research organizations and the corporate world. Vijay founded Sathguru Management Consultants, a global technology transfer organization with presence in 12 countries. He has been academically affiliated to Cornell University, teaching two courses in IP and technology management and cross-border innovation applications. Vijay has led technology transfer transactions for numerous global research bodies, providing footprint for their technologies in emerging markets. Vijay holds Board positions in international organizations engaged in innovation investment.

Loreen Walker
Loreen Walker is an Attorney-at-Law in Jamaica. She holds an LLM in International Intellectual Property Law from the University of London in England. She established the Jamaica Intellectual Property Office in 2002 and was its head until 2005. She joined the Legal Office of The University of the West Indies (UWI) in 2008 where she worked in IP and Technology Transfer (among other areas). She recently retired from The UWI and continues her work in IP and Technology Transfer.

Dr. Alwin Wong
Dr Alwin Wong is the Chair of the Alliance of Technology Transfer Professionals (ATTP), and the sub-committee chair of AUTM international strategy committee for the East Asia region. He has been an active advocate for the advancement of technology transfer policy framework, academic-industrial engagement, and professional capacity building in the tech transfer communities across the world. Dr Wong worked full time at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University as a director for technology transfer and entrepreneurship until retirement in 2020, his long-term service as the secretary-general of the International Strategic Technology Alliance (ISTA) helped advanced value of good technology transfer management for university-industry collaboration and technology commercialization for its members.

Greta Zekeine
Greta Zekeine is Head of Intellectual Property Management, National Innovation and Entrepreneurship Centre (TTO), Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania.
Greta brings over 20 years of experience in intellectual property management and technology transfer. Currently serving as the Head of the Intellectual Property Management Unit at Kaunas University of Technology’s National Innovation and Entrepreneurship Centre, she is also a lecturer for the university’s undergraduate Intellectual Property module. Greta holds a WIPO certificate, earned in 2018 through the Capacity Building Program for IP commercialization experts, and serves as a representative for the TTO Lithuanian and TTO Baltic Networks established in 2020. Before joining KTU, Greta worked with the Lithuanian Copyright Protection Association and major publishing houses, Šviesa and Alma Littera, managing intellectual property rights.

John A. Fraser
John is President, Burnside Development & Associates, his consulting business, which focuses on Mentoring for academic technology transfer commercialization including technology scouting, all elements of commercialization (STEM and Social Innovations) and start-up formation/financing. Also, expert in ‘Customer Discovery’- interviewing potential market buyers to quantify market pull. Cofounded 3 companies. Assisted entrepreneurs launch 40+ university licensed technology firms. Created/headed 4 university technology transfer offices (TTOs): 2 in the US, 2 in Canada; 2 were for-profit and 2 not-for-profit.
Current clients are in Chile (universities); in India (biotech TTOs); through WIPO as an International Expert mentoring academic TTOs in Sri Lanka, the Philippines, Malaysia and Thailand; through the World Bank as Licensing Expert at the Serbian Innovation Fund and in the US at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in Maryland, as Entrepreneur-in-Residence. Mentored the winner of the Chilean technology company national competition.
For 18 years, John served as Assistant VP for Research & Economic Development at Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida. He founded the Office, hired staff and built relationships with researchers to create a dynamic results-oriented service Office.
Prior to FSU, John served as: President, CEO and Board Director of University Technologies International, the for-profit technology transfer office of the University of Calgary, Calgary; Executive Vice President/Co-founder of UTC, Inc., a venture capital backed, North Carolina-based university licensing/technology transfer firm. This for-profit venture provided academic technology transfer services to four US universities on an exclusive basis and to the Smithsonian Institution. The business was sold in 1989.
Previously, John served as Vice President of TDC, Inc., a Toronto/Vancouver-based venture capital firm and as an Awards Officer of the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) in Ottawa.
In 2006, John was elected President and Chair of the AUTM Board for 12 months. AUTM is the global association of technology transfer professionals with HQ in the US.
John earned a Master’s Degree in Biochemistry from the University of California, Berkeley and graduated in 1969 with a BSc. Chemistry, 1st Class Honours, Carleton University, Ottawa.